Jeannie Rodriguez, Author at Dr. Budgets Spend Wisely. Live Wealthy.™ Fri, 21 Aug 2020 22:23:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jeannie Rodriguez, Author at Dr. Budgets 32 32 Less Stuff, More Happiness (and More Money) Mon, 14 Sep 2020 12:00:34 +0000 I read a book last year that I may have changed my life. It is called “Simplicity Parenting” by Kim John Payne and Lisa Ross, and it’s sooooo good. The premise is that kids (and adults) are stressed out by having too many choices and too much stuff. Not to over-simplify it, but the authors suggest putting all of your kids’ toys in one place and getting rid of half of them. And then, get […]

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Tips for Shopping with Kids Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:09:11 +0000 I remember the wonderful days of shopping with my young daughter before she realized that buying things from the store was an option. Once she figured out we could buy things and take them home, I was often asked “Can we buy this?” while on errands. Between navigating those situations with my daughter, chatting with other moms on their strategies, and remembering some techniques my own parents used on me, I’ve got some tips for […]

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Can you KonMari Your Money?? Fri, 22 Mar 2019 16:04:32 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Recently, I watched the entire series of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix (along with seemingly everyone else in the world) and I was inspired! One by one I watched as Marie Kondo helped people to transform their homes and, eventually, their relationship with stuff. I tackled organizing my daughter’s clothes and the new sight of her beautifully folded clothes brought me tremendous joy! It got me thinking… […]

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Saving Money on Kids Stuff Sun, 26 Aug 2018 21:15:04 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets There was a time when my daughter was around one year old that I started spending a lot of money. For a period of a few months, our expenditures were growing by a couple hundred dollars each month. I could justify pretty much all of it – it was kids stuff like sippy cups, clothes, utensils, and toys. Daniel and I review our spending every month, so we both […]

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How to Make Dining In Work for You Sun, 25 Mar 2018 21:22:54 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Sometime after we were engaged, Daniel and I were talking about how we pictured our future together, and he told me that eating together at home as often as we could was very important to him. He said that growing up, he didn’t have many meals together with his family and it’s something he wanted for his children. I told him I could make dinner one night a week […]

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6 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare Mon, 19 Feb 2018 08:11:46 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets I’m fortunate that my family and I are in pretty good health. But, in recent years we’ve had several expenses related to healthcare due to my pregnancy, a few health concerns, general cold/flu stuff, and being first-time parents with a tiny baby. I’m by no means a healthcare expert, but I have found there are a few ways to save money on healthcare, so I wanted to share them […]

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You’re Out of Debt! Now What? Sun, 23 Jul 2017 20:26:21 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Daniel and I met in 2011. We knew right away that our relationship was special, so it might not surprise you to learn that we started talking about some pretty serious stuff early on: kids, marriage, and, especially, money (he is Dr. Budgets, after all!). Before too long, Daniel had looked at where I was spending my money and made some suggestions to pay down the debt I had […]

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The Truth About Being Married to Dr. Budgets Fri, 20 May 2016 13:56:32 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Next month will mark the five-year anniversary of the day Daniel and I met, and it has been a wonderful five years! Three years (to the day!) after we met, we were married and there are a few things I’d like to share about what it’s like being “Mrs. Budgets.” When I tell people my husband is a money coach, I explain that he’s like a personal trainer for […]

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Saving Money on Groceries (NO coupons required!) Sat, 05 Mar 2016 20:17:14 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Dr. Budgets may know a lot about spending wisely, but he doesn’t shop for groceries in our household…So he’s asked me for my best tips on saving money on food. Between eating out and groceries, people often spend 20% or more of their income on FOOD… so these tips can add up to big savings for some! I’m going to start off by saying that I do not clip […]

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Can Packed Lunches be ROMANTIC? Tue, 10 Feb 2015 17:13:49 +0000 By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Last week, Daniel wrote a blog on how packed lunches can be good for your health and your wealth, and in the spirit of St. Valentine’s Day, I’d like to add that packing lunches for your loved ones can be a very loving gesture… you might even say it’s romantic! Consider all the benefits of having a regularly packed lunch for your loved one: Health: it’s likely that what […]

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