Walking Has Improved My Life

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets

Walking is good for your health and your wealth! Walking is such a simple thing to do to improve our lives, so I’d like to share with you how walking has improved my life along with some tips on how walking might make your life better too!

Father/Daughter Time.     I walk with my daughter to school most days, and it is my favorite time of the day. We both enjoy this consistent and special father/daughter time during the week. We are so lucky to live close enough to make walking to school possible, so I am taking full advantage of it! I hear from many parents with grown children that “they grow up so fast,” so this is my way of enjoying these days with my daughter while I can. Tip for you: Use walking as a way to slow down if you feel you’re always rushing.

Learn & Burn.     I don’t do this as much anymore, but before my daughter was born I would often walk the dog and listen to a podcast or audiobook at the same time. I was able to learn and burn calories simultaneously! Walking 30-60 minutes is great, but walking 30-60 minutes while learning something is awesome! Tip for you: Next time you walk your dog, grab your headphones and listen to a podcast or audiobook to learn something new.

Bonding Time.     Walking with my wife or close friends/family is a great way for me to bond with them. There is something about walking and talking that allows me to get deeper into the conversation. I know it is not like this for everyone, but for me, I have some of the best conversations while walking! I just read an article by Inc. titled 7 Powerful Reasons to Take Your Next Meeting for a Walk that helps explain why I enjoy walking and talking. Maybe I should have more “walking meetings!” Tip for you: Consider suggesting a walk the next time you want to get together with friends or spend time with a loved one. You can walk around a park, go for a hike or just walk around the mall!

Eat, then Walk.     There are several restaurants within walking distance of my house where I like to meet up with friends. Not only do I get some exercise walking there, but I don’t have to deal with finding a parking spot or worrying about having a few beers. Walking after meals also helps you stay fit. Tip for you: Consider trying out a restaurant within walking distance or, after dinner, check out the area around the restaurant by walking around.

Disc Golf.     The days I play disc golf I usually walk over 10,000 steps, and I play about twice per week. Not only am I able to improve my health by doing so, I also have fun doing it! I have heard from several disc golfers who play consistently that they have lost weight and kept it off just by playing frequently. Disc golf is a fast-growing sport, which I believe is great for your health and your wealth (see: Why Disc Golf Is Good for Your Health and Your Wealth). Tip for you: Give disc golf a try! You might find a new hobby you enjoy (bonus tip – it’s inexpensive too!)

Do you enjoy walking? If so, how has walking improved your life? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. If you know someone who wants to improve their wealth this year, have them contact us so we can show them how. Here’s to your health and your wealth!