3 Steps to Plan Your Holiday Spending

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Happy Holidays! It’s that time of the year again… time for family and loved ones, time for big feasts, and time for… holiday spending. Many people spend more on gifts during the last month of the year that they did the prior 11 months...

How to Have a Successful No-Spend Month

This month, my wife and I participated in our annual month-long spending freeze (No-Spend Month). You might be surprised to learn that my wife has been doing this for over ten years – long before she met me! She calls it “No-Spendtember.” I have since joined in the...

How to Spend with Intention

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets With Thanksgiving Day behind us and the holiday season upon us, I thought this would be a good time to write about how to spend with intention. Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful day for me to think about what I’m grateful for in my...

Dr. Budgets on Young House Love Podcast!

Dr. Budgets was featured on the popular Young House Love Has a Podcast on September 11, 2017 (Episode #63)! Here’s a link to the episode: #63: LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY & HOW TO SPEND IT SMARTER. Here’s their introduction to the episode: “Who...

Give Wisely This Holiday Season

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets It can be easy to get caught up in the spirit of the holiday season… going into credit card debt of course! Kidding aside, it is very easy to overspend during the holidays because we are in a generous mood, and it seems like every...