Life Coaching and Money Coaching

By Kai Dickens | Dr. Budgets

You might have noticed that we recently added an amazing service called “life coaching” at Dr. Budgets. So, the big question is… what is this mysterious service?! Today, I’m going to try to help demystify what it is and how it goes hand in hand with money coaching.

The best way I can describe or explain life coaching is that it is a service that helps you get out of your own way. With that being said, let’s start with a few things that life coaching is not.

Life Coaching Is Not…

  • We won’t sit and talk about all the deep issues from your past and try to use therapeutic methods to “heal” your wounds.
  • We won’t give you a “blueprint” for life that tells you what path to take, what’s right or wrong, or what you should and shouldn’t do.
  • A conversation with a friend. Your coaching session is not the time or place to “vent” about a particular situation or to complain about why things aren’t working in your life and how there is nothing you can do about it.

In summary, life coaching is not the place to continue reliving the past.

What Is Life Coaching?

Life coaching creates a space for you to shed the old stories and give yourself an opportunity to step into your true potential while being supported in a powerful way. Each coaching session will have you feeling empowered and encouraged while being held to your word of creating and doing what you say you want the most.

Money & Life Coaching

So, now you might be wondering… what does this have to do with Money Coaching?

That’s a perfect question! Thanks for asking!

In our worlds, whether we notice it or not, there are many things that we unknowingly do. Our past has created numerous unconscious behaviors that silently run how we operate in life. There is a Zen philosophy that says, “The way a person does one thing is the way they do everything.” How we end up behaving in one area of our life tends to show up in many different areas of our life.

When it comes to money we ALL have a “Money Story.”  Right about now you might be asking yourself, “What is a ‘Money Story’?”  Well, it’s the combination of your thoughts and beliefs that were passed on from your parents, what you saw and heard in your house growing up, and the decisions you consciously or unconsciously made about how you might do it differently. It’s the feelings, emotions, and reactions that thoughts about money bring up within you and your body. It’s a combination of your journey with the pain and joy, the emotional wounds, and the strengths and challenges you’ve had to overcome. It’s the reason for the belief that you are good with money or bad with it. Honestly and simply said, your “Money Story” is the cumulation of your entire relationship with money itself. This story now shows up in many different ways… Whether you have money, or you don’t. Whether you make a lot of money or little of it. Whether you can keep money or not.

Take a second now and ask yourself these questions… What is “MY” money story? How are my beliefs from childhood about money currently showing up in my world today?

Most of the time, even if we can answer these questions on our own, it can be a challenge to move forward and create the new relationship needed to replace these old beliefs. This is when the blend of life coaching and money coaching can make a big impact.

Until then, here is something you can do… Go somewhere where you can be alone for 15-20 minutes. Take a pen and piece of paper (or use the note app on your phone 😊) and spend some time answering the following question: “What is the first memory I have about money?” Then take a real look at what comes up for you.

Special Offer

If you, or someone you know, is unhappy with their current money situation and wants to rewrite their money story, schedule a complimentary consultation today. In the “How did you hear about Dr. Budgets?” section, put LIFE COACHING SPECIAL for $50/month off your first six months of coaching!