Shopping Smart

By Jennifer Rosson for Dr. Budgets

This month we  are excited to have Jennifer Rosson as a guest blogger for Dr. Budgets sharing her tips on shopping smart! She is a true expert on shopping. To learn more about Jennifer, check her out at Here are her five ways to save money on your wardrobe…

1) Take a good look at your closet before you shop!

Most people tend to purchase the same type of items again and again… I call this your “uniform”. Because of this, your wardrobe isn’t as adaptable as it should be. What items could you add to grow your wardrobe and make it more versatile?   Make a list of these items and look for them when shopping.

2) Think about your Cost Per Wear.

Keep this very simple formula in mind when shopping!

You take the cost of the item and divide it by the number of times it is worn, adding in any maintenance cost (dry cleaning, laundering tailoring).

For example:

  • Dress on clearance $19.99
  • Wore it once (1)
  • Dry-cleaned ($5)
  • $19.99/1+$5= $24.99

Cost per wear = $24.99

  • Designer Jeans $189
  • Wear it once a week for 12 months, 52 wears
  • washed every other wear $1.00
  • $189/52 +$.50 = $4.13

Cost per wear = $4.13

So sometimes those “deals” aren’t really deals at all. Think about this next time you are shopping 🙂

3) Consider shopping consignment.

I love consignment shopping. Find a credible consignment store that carries higher end items. This is a great way to pay up to 70% less on designer and contemporary brands. Closely check for any flaws, fading, etc. because these stores often have a final sale policy.

Two I recommend: The Real Real (online) and My Sisters Closet (San Diego)

4) Shop sale sections.

Okay before you say yes, of course, that’s obvious….

Let me clarify. Shop sale sections at high-end stores and shop with your list (from #1). Many people shop sale sections; the difference is shopping them with direction.

Shop sale sections in stores a level above where you’d typically shop. Why? Because you can get higher quality pieces for the same price you typically pay. Let’s say you typically shop at Banana Republic and you are willing to pay $150 for a dress. Well then head on over to Bloomingdale’s sale section and I assure you will find a higher quality dress for around the same price.

The second thing to keep in mind when shopping sale….

USE YOUR LIST!!! It is not a bargain if you don’t need it!!

Remember cost per wear?

5) Don’t shop out of desperation.

We’ve all been there, you have an interview or event and you have nothing to wear. You rush out the day before and purchase something to get you by. You settle because you couldn’t find something you loved. The result: you don’t feel fabulous at your event because you don’t love your outfit and you will probably never wear it again.

How to you avoid this happening to you? You know your lifestyle, you know what types of events, presentations, and interviews you have in a typical year. When you see a piece of clothing you love and you know you’ll have an occasion to wear it, buy it then! Don’t wait till you have the specific event.  The event will come believe me and you’ll already have the perfect piece hanging in your closet!