Why You Need Strong Financial Goals

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Last post I wrote about How to Set Strong Financial Goals, and today I will explain the reason why this is important. After all, the WHY behind financial goals is a big part of the HOW. If you haven’t yet set strong financial...

How to Set Strong Financial Goals

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Happy New Year! For many, the new year represents a fresh start and a time to create goals or resolutions for the year. If you have financial goals for the year in mind, then I hope this post gives you tips on strengthening your...

5 Tips To Stay Out of Holiday Debt

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Happy December!  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Weekend!  If you are like most Americans, you probably did some shopping over the weekend, and you probably did some online shopping yesterday.  But December doesn’t need to...

Samantha’s Success Story

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets What is your financial goal? Samantha’s* dream was to quit her full-time job and start a business, while eliminating her credit card debt. Could she do it? Here is her story… Background I was in a career that didn’t...