Goal Planning for Real Life

Goal Planning for Real Life

Goal planning can be tricky. I think most of us set goals based on past experience. But the most inspirational goals come from envisioning a better future that looks and feels different than our past. Stephen Covey explained this concept in his book “The 7 Habits of...

Less Stuff, More Happiness (and More Money)

I read a book last year that I may have changed my life. It is called “Simplicity Parenting” by Kim John Payne and Lisa Ross, and it’s sooooo good. The premise is that kids (and adults) are stressed out by having too many choices and too much stuff. Not to...
Gina’s Success Story

Gina’s Success Story

Gina’s Background I consider myself to be an “elder Millennial.” I’m not quite Gen X and not really a Millennial. I’m happy to be referred to in that way, but that means we grew up with credit cards being peddled on college campuses (“Get a credit card, get a...