
By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets This month, we want you to #SaveforYourGoal, so the theme is all about saving money. At Dr. Budgets, we work with our clients to help them achieve their financial goals, and we hope to inspire everyone (clients or not!) to save a...

Can Packed Lunches be ROMANTIC?

By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Last week, Daniel wrote a blog on how packed lunches can be good for your health and your wealth, and in the spirit of St. Valentine’s Day, I’d like to add that packing lunches for your loved ones can be a very loving gesture… you...

5 Tips To Stay Out of Holiday Debt

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Happy December!  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Weekend!  If you are like most Americans, you probably did some shopping over the weekend, and you probably did some online shopping yesterday.  But December doesn’t need to...