How to Save Over $10,000/Year

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets This month is all about money books! With that in mind I am promoting my eBook this month (Ten Ways to Save $10K:  A 10 Step Guide to Save Over $10,000/Year to Achieve Your Goals). I have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the...

10 Ways to Save $10K E-Book Release Date

By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets We are fast approaching my e-book release date, so I wanted to share with you why I decided to write a book. I have worked with a number of wonderful people to help them achieve their goals, and I have learned to look in similar...


By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets This month, we want you to #SaveforYourGoal, so the theme is all about saving money. At Dr. Budgets, we work with our clients to help them achieve their financial goals, and we hope to inspire everyone (clients or not!) to save a...