
I remember the wonderful days of shopping with my young daughter before she realized that buying things from the store was an option. Once she figured out we could buy things and take them home, I was often asked “Can we buy this?” while on errands. Between navigating those situations with my daughter, chatting with other moms on their strategies, and remembering some techniques my own parents used on me, I’ve got some tips for Read More
  Categories : Family  Posted by Jeannie Rodriguez   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Tips for Shopping with Kids
So, is hiring your child a good idea if you own a business? I think so! As a money coach, I’m always looking for creative ways to save money for my clients, and hiring your child is a great way to accomplish this objective. First things first though… ensure you hire them the right way. I was reading a post titled 10 Tips for Hiring Your Child that has some good information about how to Read More
  Categories : Business Owners  Posted by Daniel Rodriguez   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Why Hiring Your Child Is a Good Idea
Many small business owners probably ask themselves at one point or another, “Should I go into debt for my business?” As a new business owner, one of the first decisions you might make is whether to go into debt for the things you might “need” for your business. Depending on the type of business you want, start-up costs can be minimal or very high. And, deciding how much you spend to start could determine what Read More
  Categories : Business Owners  Posted by Daniel Rodriguez   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Is Debt Good for a Business?
Until now, you may not have even heard of a money coach… so how would you know if you can benefit from hiring one!? We created this simple quiz to give couples a general sense of their financial picture. Based on your answers, you can find out if you can benefit from working with a money coach. Ready? Let’s get started! 1.  Do you know how much you spend each month on food (groceries and Read More
  Categories : Love and Marriage  Posted by Daniel Rodriguez   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on COUPLES: Can You Benefit from Hiring a Money Coach?
By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Spring Cleaning can mean more than buckets, mops, and brooms! There are many reasons why this time of year is great for cleaning up your finances: We’re three months into the year, so you are starting to get an idea of how the year is shaping up, including earnings, spending, and debt repayment. You’ve just done your taxes (or filed an extension) and can start getting organized NOW for Read More
  Categories : Business Owners  Posted by Daniel Rodriguez   , , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Financial Spring Cleaning Tips for Business Owners
By Jeannie Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets Recently, I watched the entire series of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix (along with seemingly everyone else in the world) and I was inspired! One by one I watched as Marie Kondo helped people to transform their homes and, eventually, their relationship with stuff. I tackled organizing my daughter’s clothes and the new sight of her beautifully folded clothes brought me tremendous joy! It got me thinking… Read More
  Categories : Spend Wisely  Posted by Jeannie Rodriguez   , , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Can you KonMari Your Money??
By Kai Dickens | Dr. Budgets You might have noticed that we recently added an amazing service called “life coaching” at Dr. Budgets. So, the big question is… what is this mysterious service?! Today, I’m going to try to help demystify what it is and how it goes hand in hand with money coaching. The best way I can describe or explain life coaching is that it is a service that helps you get out Read More
  Categories : Health and Wealth  Posted by Kai Dickens   , , ,  Comments Off on Life Coaching & Money Coaching: The Perfect Pair
By Daniel Rodriguez | Dr. Budgets It can be hard to manage your money with variable income. When you have variable income, some months your income flows in abundance, and other months it isn’t enough to pay the bills! What is one to do? When I launched Dr. Budgets in 2013, my new company was generating very little income (less than $1,000/month), and on top of that, the income was also inconsistent. It was hard Read More
  Categories : Business Owners  Posted by Daniel Rodriguez   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on How to Manage Your Money with Variable Income

